📬Protecting Chests

This is he guide on how to protect your chests from being accessed by your town members.

Any chests you place in a town claim will be automatically protected from players outside of that town, but do you want to protect players within your town from accessing certain chests? That's all explained in this guide.

Protecting your chest

First of all, it's useful to know that protecting a chest will cost you $50 in-game currency. This is so that protecting a chest is a premium and should only be done to chests you want to keep away from the rest of your town.

Remember, any chests placed in your town claims are automatically protected from outsiders.

Start by SHIFT + RIGHT CLICKING a chest with a sign. This will allow you to write text on it as normal. Type [Protect] on the first line, leave every other line blank.

After that, just click "Done". The sign will change slightly and $50 will be taken out of your account. Now no one except you can access this chest.

Allowing other players to access your chests

To allow another player to access your protected chest, you need to place your crosshair on the sign and type /protect add <player-name>. You will need to replace <player-name> with the players IGN. To remove players from your chest, look at the sign again and type /protect remove <player-name>.

Last updated