🖥️Towny Commands

This page gives a few useful commands to get started with towny

Base Commands

/towny - Used to see global Towny server info / settings.

/town - Used to manage the town you are apart of.

Utility Commands

/towny map - Shows the towny map.

/towny prices - Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town.

/towny time - Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection.)

/towny top residents {all/town} - Shows top residents.

/towny top land {all/resident/town} - Shows top land owners.

/towny universe - Shows full towny stats, resident/town/nation/world counts as well as townblocks claimed.

Town Commands

/town - Shows details about your town.

/town {town} - Shows details about another town.

/town outlaw add {username} - Outlaw (ban) someone from entering your town.

/town outlaw remove {username} - Un-outlaw (unban) someone from entering your town.

Outlaws can still be TPed into your town by other players but as soon as they move they will be teleported back to spawn.

/town here - Shows you the details of the town in which you stand.

/town leave - Leaves a town.

/town list - List all the towns on the server

/town new {townname} - Creates a new town.

/town add {resident} - Mayor command to add residents to your town.

/town kick {resident} - Mayor command to remove residents from your town.

/town invite - Show a list of players who've been sent invites to your town.

/town sent - Show a list of players who've been sent invites to your town.

/town spawn - Teleports you to your town's spawn.

/town spawn {town} - Teleports you to another town's spawn. (Not available in S3)

/town claim - Mayor command to claim the chunk in which you stand for your town.

/town unclaim - Mayor command to unclaim the chunk in which you stand.

/town withdraw {amount} - Removes money from town bank.

/town deposit {amount} - Adds money from player to the town bank.

/town baltop {townname} - Opens a book displaying the richest players in a town.

/town bankhistory {#} - Opens a book GUI with # number of transactions listed, showing the town bank history.

/town buy bonus {amount} - Buys available bonus townblocks.

/town allylist {townname} - Displays a list of allies for the Town.

/town enemylist {townname} - Displays a list of enemies for the Town.

/town delete - Mayor command to delete a town from towny's data folder's files.

/town merge {town name} - {town name} is the town which will be merged into the town owned by the mayor using the command.

/town purge {days} - Kicks residents from the town who have been inactive for the given number of days, exempts npcs and mayors.

/town ranklist {townname} - Displays town's residents and their ranks, optional townname to view another town's rank list.

/town rank {add|remove} {playername} {rankname} - Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town.

/town reclaim - Allows a resident to reclaim their ruined town.

/town reslist {townname} - See a FULL list of all residents in a town.

/town say {msg} - Broadcast a message to the online town members.

/town set board {message} - Sets message seen by residents upon logging in. Set {message} to "none" to remove.

/town set mayor {resident} - Mayor command to give mayor status to another resident.

/town set homeblock - Sets the homeblock and spawn of your town.

/town set spawn - Sets the town spawn, must be done inside the homeblock.

/town set spawncost - Set the cost of spawning to a public town. Doesn't affect town residents.

/town set mapcolor {color} - Sets a town's mapcolor seen in the dynmap.

/town set name {name} - Change your town's name.

/town toggle pvp - Toggle PvP in your town claims.

/town toggle public - Toggle the public status of your town.

/town toggle explosion - Toggle explosions in your town claims.

/town toggle fire - Toggle fire in your town claims.

/town toggle mobs - Toggle mobs in your town claims.

/town toggle open - Enable or disable allowing people to join your town without an invite.

Last updated