🌲World Seasons

Seasons change in MerlMC. Find out what is different between each season.


You can find out what season it is by checking the top of your in-game screen. It will tell you the season and the day number.

Seasons will change based on what day of the year it is in-game. Days in Minecraft last 20 real-life minutes unless the night is skipped due to sleeping.

Spring (Days 1 - 96)

Welcome to the Spring season, where the world of Minecraft rejuvenates with vibrant life and dynamic changes. Spring is a time of renewal and growth.

  • Enhanced Growth Rates: With the arrival of spring, crops grow faster than in other seasons. This is the perfect time for players to invest in their agriculture.

  • Increased Wildlife Activity: Spring sees a rise in animal activity. Players will encounter more wildlife roaming the world.

Summer (Days 97 - 192)

Embrace the warmth and vibrancy of Summer, where Minecraft worlds bask in the longest days and the most lively season. Summer is a period of flourishing growth and high activity, offering unique gameplay experiences.

  • Peak Growth Rates: Summer boasts the fastest crop growth rates, making it ideal for large-scale farming.

  • Extended Daylight: Enjoy longer daytime hours, providing more time for building, exploring, and completing tasks. The extended daylight allows for longer periods of activity without the threat of hostile mobs that appear at night.

  • Unique Fauna: Encounter summer-specific mobs, bringing new challenges and interactions to your adventure. These mobs add an extra layer of depth and engagement to the summer season gameplay.

  • Seasonal Harvest: Occasionally, apples drop from oak trees, providing a spontaneous food source.

Autumn (Days 193 - 288)

The Autumn season brings a picturesque transformation to the Minecraft world, with a palette of warm colours and a noticeable shift in the environment. Autumn is a time of change and preparation, offering a unique and immersive gameplay experience.

  • Colourful Canopy: Witness the leaves change to a mix of orange, red, yellow, and green, signaling cooler weather. The changing foliage offers a stunning visual effect, enhancing the beauty of the landscape.

  • Reduced Growth Rates: As temperatures drop, crops grow slower compared to the summer. Use this time to gather and store crops for the coming winter.

  • Seasonal Creatures: Encounter mobs that are unique to the autumn season, adding new dynamics to the gameplay. These autumn-specific mobs can offer both challenges and opportunities.

  • Autumn Ambiance: Leaves periodically fall from trees, creating a beautiful and dynamic visual effect. This effect adds to the overall autumn atmosphere, making your Minecraft world feel more alive and authentic.

Winter (Days 289 - 365)

Winter transforms the Minecraft world into a serene, snow-covered wonderland. It's a season of stark beauty and survival challenges, where players experience the chill of cold weather and the magic of a winter landscape.

  • Winter Wonderland: The landscape is blanketed in snow, creating a picturesque and peaceful environment. Experience how familiar terrains take on a new look under the snow.

  • Icy Waters: Lakes, rivers, and other water bodies freeze over, offering new exploration and travel possibilities.

  • Greenhouse Farming: Crops only grow indoors where there's suitable light and temperature during winter. Players must adapt their farming strategies, building indoor greenhouses to sustain crop production.

  • Cold-Weather Creatures: Encounter mobs that are unique to the winter season, adding new challenges and interactions. These winter mobs can test players' survival skills in the harsh weather.

  • Limited Daylight: The days are short and the nights long, altering the rhythm of gameplay. Players need to plan activities carefully, making the most of the limited daylight.

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